EXPLORE the cultural zeitgeist by sampling the nether regions of the world wide web...
The MH2 Mp3.com Page
One-Eyed Pictures: Our buddy (and occasional live sound technician) Charles Buchanan is also a filmmaker! Check his stuff
out here.
Hey, Rube! Hunter S. Thompson's (mostly) weekly column for ESPN.com
ColoradoLinks.net - "A gazillion links to Colorado!"
COMA-The Colorado Music Association
The Wu-Name Generator - Enter your name and receive your very own Wu-Tang moniker!
The Psychedelic Webport (lots of groovy stuff courtesy of Psychedelic Steve)
Killer Clyde (music and pictures from Charles Buchanan)
This month's hot link: PRETTY
A bit of shameless self-promotion. I have
belatedly joined the Blog revolution, starting this blog to share my thoughts on films with the online community of adolescents
and bored web-surfers. I encourage you to comment on my views, but please keep it civil. Underneath my tough exterior is the
tender, sensitive soul of a cute furry kitten.